venerdì 7 marzo 2025     •  Login
Naval Architecture

Alessandro is a keen sailor and seaman and add this charateristic to his every day work.

PMW can offer full yacht design in every area and is specilized in pure Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture activities, giving to clients all the necessary engineering support in order to obtain full advantages. PMW is specilized in weights estimations, structural design with composite materials and metals, hydrostatic evaluations, CFD analysis, Finite Element analysis, deck plan, sailplan design, appendages design, power predisctions, VPP analysis and all the typical naval architecture's activities.  

ORC, IRC & Rating rules

Paganini Marine was first to introduce the concept of "deep refit" of the appendages at the time of the old  IMS rating rule and today is specialized in appendages optimization. In this last 10 years we obtained very great results having our clients winners of ORC Int World Championship, ORC Int. Italian Championship, offshore races, Alassio Sailing Week, Pirelli races, Giraglia race, and many othe high level races both national and international inshore and offshore. Paganini Marine Workshop is specialized in optimization for the following racing Rules:

ORC International - IRC -  HPR -  ORC LEVEL CLASS 26', 33' & 42' - ONE DESIGN

This means that we update our knowledge about rating rules every day, by investigating Speed/Rating relationship and having daily contacts with the rating authorities. We offer appendages modifications, offset files editing, sailplan optimizations, trim studies, performances improvements under a special rating rule, measurement assistance.


Techncial consulting and Survey 

Our mission is not limited to pure engineering or design activities.

One of our most appreciated activity is the technical consulting for Owners or Yards that are building a new boat or need to modify or repair an existing boat. Yachts that need to be lengthened, structures that needs to be repaired, composite failures and yachts that have been damaged, we follow step by step the works giving the technical specifications, surveying the works at the yard and writing technical papers for owners or yards at the end of the works. Please contact us fo a list of our main clients in the boat building and repair world.

Yachts modifications

Today there are a lot of sailboats that float on the water, and many owners are considering the possibility of changing the actual boat. The reasons of this considerations are different but the most important are: low Performances, rating problems during races, stuctural problems, old designs, inadequate interiors, ...

In some cases to modify the boat is cheaper than to change model completely and the satisfaction may be superior. So, PMW provide a number of services for the modification.

We are specialists and well known for our modifications both for performances upgrading and for rating optimization. Since today, we've modified a number of important boats that won many international races, from European Championships to World Championships, passing through many Italians and local Championships in the Mediterranean sea.